Nearly All the Men in Lagos Are Mad

Nearly All the Men in Lagos Are Mad

254 pages


Average rating3.9


First line- 'One day, you will hold a knife to your husband's penis and threaten to cut it off.' I knew my nosy ass was hooked. Like, girl, what he do? I knewwwwwww I was hooked.

But also the voices in my head chanting 'Cut. It. Off! Cut. It. Off!' (I'm kidding. Mostly.)

No, but honestly, this is a very funny collection of short stories. Highly recommend if you're in the mood for a break from romance but still in the mood for fun. Most of the stories are centered around man/woman interactions gone horribly wrong.

Plus an African megachurch pastor's wife who calls him 'Daddy' unironically and is vehemently defending him against accusations of infidelity that everyone believes but her. 💀

'Why would Daddy lie?' Indeed.

These days, we only have sex once a week, or whenever the Holy Spirit leads him.

'My dear,' he would say, 'Let us go and celebrate the Lord in bed.'

I know I'm very late to this party but I enjoyed it enormously nonetheless.

April 23, 2024Report this review