Neither Here Nor There
Neither Here Nor There
Average rating3
3 stars
I found Neither Here Nor There disappointing. I've only read a little of Cat Rambo's work before, but I found it largely engaging and fun. This collection, on the other hand, I found much more mundane. Not in the worlds they describe - though most of those are fairly contemporary - but because so little happens. I like subtle stories, but I do want them to describe something meaningful - a change, an event, a happening. Many of the stories here, especially in the early part of the book, don't seem to have much point. Little happens, and quite a few don't have endings that provide any kind of resolution.
I've never read Rambo's Beasts of Tabat, but a large amount of the material here is drawn from that world. If you're a fan, you'll likely enjoy that. For me, it didn't provide any added value, but except for one story - a dry history of Tabat - it didn't detract from the story. However, I didn't find that this taste of Tabat whetted my appetite, and eventually found myself thinking ‘Please, not another Tabat story.'
For all that the flat character arcs suggest an inclination toward subtlety, Rambo's morals are fairly heavy-handed. Readers will have no difficulty spotting good and bad, right and wrong. While I agreed with many of her views, I often wished for a little more gray, a little more dimension in the villains. Even the heros frequently made decisions for which there was little foundation, and that smelled too strongly of authorial direction. This wasn't helped by sentences that at times tends toward the convoluted. There were times when I had to actively parse the sentences to make sense of them.
I was expecting more from this journey into Rambo's worlds. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be visiting often. I recommend it mainly for fans of Tabat.
The best stories were:
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.