Nekogahara: Stray Cat Samurai, Vol. 5

Nekogahara: Stray Cat Samurai, Vol. 5

176 pages


Average rating5


Name drop.

I think this was a pretty awesome ending to a series that, while has its flaws, was overall very enjoyable. The main cast gets their moments, the supporting cast gets their cameos, and we get a satisfying ending to put a period on the whole thing. I especially liked the last few panels, and even let out an “awww...!” at the very end. I thought it was a sweet ending.

The series has its flaws, though, between action that was sometimes hard to follow and some...questionable...story decisions regarding female cats. It wasn't a perfect story, but I thought the art style was fantastic, and the idea of telling a historical fiction story of Japan with cats was a great one. This will probably be worth a revisit for me sometime down the road.

December 2, 2021Report this review