Neon Gods
2021 • 384 pages


Average rating3.5


Hades and Persephone have been my One True Pairing since before I even knew what that was and I was probably too young to have one but you we are. Couple that with it being a retelling and I knew I had to have this.

First off the reason most people were yelling at me to read this...The fucky parts are great and very 5 much five stars. It was delicious and everything it needed to be. But if you want more than just sexy Happy No No Place smashing scenes then read on...

Hades in this was an absolute cinnamon roll and I loved it. How he was with Persephone and seeing him deal with this growing feelings for her...absolute swoon. Side note.. CONSENT IS SEXY. I also loved Persephone. I didn't find her meek or weak which is off putting if you're setting her up to be Hades soul mate..WHICH SHE IS FOREVER AND EVER.

This is not a book you read for the plot but I'm weird af so once I got off the high of aforementioned smexy bits, I took a second to really think about it. It's a contemporary retelling so there's no magic. Not really. There's mention of not being able to cross a bridge because of some kind of force stopping you but that's about it really. Not how or why it works. Not much world building. I have no idea if Olympus is in the USA or not. And I only say that because they mention California. Also the ending was a bit lackluster. There was mention of a possible war...and then nothing. I kind of wanted a war by that point.

Am I going to read the next in this series? Absofuckinglutely. Did I look up all her other books and plan to read all those? You bet your ass. Did I enjoy this book? Hell yes. I just wanted to make sure you guys understood what you're going to read since every one seems to be talking about the heavy breathing scenes and not much else lol.

September 25, 2021Report this review