Never Home Alone

Never Home Alone

2018 • 336 pages


Average rating4.6


Probably wouldn't have picked this up, but “read a book in the 500s” was a square on library summer reading bingo, and this looked interesting. I did enjoy it, more so when reading the chapters about bigger animals - ants, cats and dogs, and even babies. It got a little repetitive - biodiversity is good! being super-intense about disinfecting everything destroys good bacteria and makes the bad ones resistant! go outside and let your kids play in the dirt! - but that may have come across more because I read this in several big chunks instead of a chapter at a time. This isn't my usual thing, but I'm glad I chose this book to read (not least because it justifies my lackadaisical housekeeping style - I'm just cultivating biodiversity!)

July 29, 2019Report this review