Never Say Never


Average rating4


What do you do when the person you trusted suddenly became the person you questioned? The answer? Fuck him, apparently.

Full honesty. I didn't like this book until like 40% in. Gianpaolo seemed too crazy. At the time I thought this was either much darker than the other 3 books or I was sanitizing them with hindsight.

'The thought of running them over, even the sweet old lady, was tempting, but then I'd be even later than I already was.'

"Well, breathing isn't a requirement. Just as long as you're pretty enough, I'll breed a corpse too."

Sigh. Why am I hearing this from a romance MC 🤦🏾‍♀️

"You liked bashing that man's brains in," I said, disgust dripping into my voice. "I watched you smile."

"We all have our issues."


Anyway. Like I said. Wasn't really into the book. Then shit hit the fan. The betrayal was discovered, the pace picked up. Giancarlo showed up🙈

'Gin picked up a charred brick and threw it. The damn thing hit one of the men in the back of the head and he went down.  "Get him the fuck out of here. Who the fuck passes out from a small ass brick?"

OH MY GOD?????????? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Not this being the thing that made me realize I don't mind lunacy, I just never bonded with Paolo.

Because honestly? Giancarlo is a lot more unhinged, now that I remember. But his crazy was somehow endearing. Yes. I know how that sounds. And the book isn't even about him.

Sidenote- The Giancarlo cameos go hard in this one. 10/10. Still our sweet baby psycho killer that's trying to get pregnant.

Back to the book. I kind of got onto the Gianpaolo train after being reminded that he's actually no worse than his brothers, really.

"Shelly, calm down, he's not going to hurt you." York glared at me.

"Are you, Paolo?"

"I am."

😂😂😂 No fucks given. No thought to minimizing the fallout from his cover being blown.

But honestly, it's an okay book. Not my best in this series by far, but I liked it more than Benito's. Mostly because that one had two psychos. I like a calming influence. Though these Vitale love interests tend to lose the plot too, at a point. Because....

"I didn't have to stay in organized crime. It was fun, but I had plenty of interests elsewhere."

Wonder which bits were the fun ones for York. When his wife and best friend was killed as a result of him working with the organized crime unit of the Feds, or the time two collaborating mafia families broke into his home and almost killed his kids? Or maybe it was the time they all got kidnapped and his lover was bitten to within an inch of his life, and his daughters threatened with guns.

Either way, like he said. Wholesome family fun. Great for reminiscing during future family vacations.

Also this man kissed him after he'd been unconscious for MULTIPLE days? Nah, I KNOW his mouth tasted like death.

"I will never let you leave me. I'd rather kill us both than let you go. Mine for eternity."

Yes. This also contains the on-brand slightly scary Vitale type of love.

Also, Melony is a weird ass name. Right?

I hate that I was too impatient to wait for the audiobook because I KNOW Declan Winters would (will!?) kick it out of the park like with the others.

May 15, 2024Report this review