Niccolaio Andretti


Average rating3.3


4.5 stars

When I started Niccolaio Andretti I wasn't sure how I'd feel. The heroine, Minka Reynolds was in Asher Black and wasn't a nice all. But that is where Parker S. Huntington's fantastic writing comes into play. She totally turned it around, making Minka not only likeable but forgiveable. You understand her actions and she is the best person for Niccolaio. Nick is something else entirely, he's the man that made a decision and is paying for it, it isn't until Minka that he truly starts to heal and enjoy life. He's a total badass. A bad guy for hire for the right reasons. When they come together it's pure enemies to lovers goodness. The sexual tension between them is palpable and you can feel their desire to not taint the other person leaping off the page. But, once they are together, BAM, fireworks and you know it's going to be for keeps.

I loved the thread of forgiveness running through this story. Not just of other people but of yourself. Sometimes the person we are hardest on is the one person that needs our forgiveness the most and that's usually ourselves. Once they're able to start that process they're able to grow as individuals and together.

I'm not even going to pretend I didn't cry towards the end, because, I'm not a liar. Tears, lots of tears. Having read this scene from other character's point of view(because I've been reading backwards and it's a vital part of each story) you'd think I'd be less affected, but, nope. I think each time although it's the same scene because the character's reaction is different it almost feels like a completely different scene and that takes skill...skill that Parker has in spades.

If you like your hero/heroine to be less then squeaky clean then you will love this.

June 12, 2019Report this review