Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird: Stories

Nineteen Claws and a Black Bird: Stories


Average rating3.5


There is something of an ethereal and atmospheric quality to most of the stories in this collection. Some of the stories I wanted more from, some I didn't really get and some were really outstanding. All of this to say that there is a pretty good variety of themes in there and at under 200 pages it's a pretty quick read.

That being said the tone remained pretty steady throughout the book and I could definitely tell it was the same authorial voice as the one behind Tender Is the Flesh. Bazterrica absolutely came through with her signature discomfort inducing style and ability to perceive the horror in the mundane and ordinary.

I received an eARC from Simon & Schuster Canada, Scribner though NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

April 30, 2023Report this review