Cover 7

Norwegian Wood, Vol. 2

1987 • 283 pages


Average rating4


3.5 stars

I would have given this book a higher rating if only the last couple of pages have been different. I really love Murakami's writing especially through the lens of Alfred Birnbaum's translation, but I just could not understand why the story ended as it did (with the happenings between Toru and Reiko I mean). Damn, I was ready to give it 5 stars up until the ending killed it.

Be that as it may, I still really enjoyed the story especially the parts with Midori as well as when Toru was just living inside his head. As expected I can best relate to characters going through loneliness and isolation so it wasn't surprising that I like this book. However, my favorite Murakami book remains to be The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. It was just more fluid, more dream-like, more resonant for me than any of his other works. It's also one of those books that I constantly think about and vividly remember reading. I guess I was expecting more along the same lines when I read Norwegian Wood even though I knew beforehand that it does not really have magic realism elements. I should really learn to manage my expectations. After all, I really enjoyed reading it and was really hooked by the beautiful writing. It just did not hit the spot for me.

April 4, 2014Report this review