Cover 8

Not Another Love Song

Not Another Love Song

384 pages


Average rating4.3


I was lucky last year to be invited to read Julie's Soto debut Forget me not and even more lucky to be approved to read this year release, which was not only one of my most awaited releases, but also the one I was convinced it would end my romance slump.

Not Another Love Song is a beautiful story about two musical prodigies, that had faced many challenges, and are lucky to find love, and companionship in each other.
The main characters are too young for my preference, particularly Gwen who is 23, and I'm a strong believer you should not make life altering decisions before 25, when the brain is fully developed. However, Gwen and Alex do belong together and read as they were made for each other, and I LOVED their romance.

This book reads like a symphony, with rhythm changes, tension and resolution. I can see Julie loves and understands music, and that passion was transcribed perfectly in this story.

I was very anxious while reading because I could feel the sheer amount of things that could trigger a 3rd act breakup, which I always hate, and in this particular case I knew it would break my heart almost irreparably. I made peace with it because, as I said before, the characters are very young, and stupid decisions are unavoidable at that age.

I do n0t always mention it, but in this case I absolutely have to: The spice was spicy, beautiful, and I loved it. THE CELLO SCENE... this book is HOT.

It was a privilege to read about this couple and I'll be waiting for more of Soto's books.

May 25, 2024Report this review