Average rating3.7
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For 2019, I want to do something different with my book reviews. They are now going to be short Pro/Con lists to help organize my thoughts but also give insight into the book.
- Monsters, Monsters, and more Monsters, there were a bunch of different monsters we heard about and I really hope as the series continues we get to meet more of them, I also kind of wish we got a glossary of the different types and what they do.
- Setting, this book takes place in South America, in a jungle village black market. I appreciated that it was this remote place where the black market existed.
- Worldbuilding, I really struggled to visualize this book. The descriptions were lacking. The story was great but the lack of being able to see what was happening was a major let down for me.
- Instalove, I hesitate to call it instalove but Kovit and Nita have this immediate connection that irked me. It becomes this almost captor and captee relationship. I know we still have story to go but I could not help but question where Schaeffer is going with this.