Not Yet Married: The Pursuit of Joy in Singleness and Dating

Not Yet Married

The Pursuit of Joy in Singleness and Dating

2017 • 208 pages


Average rating5


I bought this book a year or so ago based on the synopsis, thinking, “One day I'll read this. Probably.” Like so many other books I've bought, I put if off. I wish I had read it sooner though because now I am dating/we're planning to get married before the year's end, and there is a lot in this book that would have been helpful to think through before getting to this point (e.g., stewarding singleness well, pursuing God more and pursuing my self-serving plans less, trusting God and praying more now rather than waiting for a relationship to enjoy a sense of contentment and fulfillment).

However, I'm still thankful for reading this book when I did because of how applicable Segal's challenges are and how relevant the content truly is to everyone and anyone at any stage. I would absolutely recommend this book to single, dating, and married people alike so long as readers are prepared to think through living a life in pursuit of the Lord and His will now, not putting this off until you've found “the one”. No where does Segal promote the idea of finding fulfillment and identity in romantic relationships, putting off boundaries because there will be consequences, or living a passive life not worth deepening because of singleness.

Hope people keep picking this book up to read it and are encouraged as I was to live a God-honoring not-yet-married life now and one that continues to glorify and honor Him when I am married.

March 4, 2018Report this review