November 9

November 9

2015 • 310 pages


Average rating3.7


 I need to start ranking my Colleen Hoover books by how much eye-rolling I do in them. This one is a 4/5, or - lots of eye-rolling.

There's soooo much wrong with this book. Some other reviewers have covered stuff, but I'll share my highlights (here be SPOILERS): Right off the bat, the premise is really dumb. These two people meet and have instant chemistry but only see each other once a year? What's the point? It was just dumb.Ben coming up to her and immediately pretending to be her boyfriend was so creepy. Couldn't he have approached her first and given her a heads up that he was gonna do that?The way Ben's mom died via suicide was also very dumb. I get suicide doesn't make sense, and I was on board, until Ben found the letter. Apparently his mom had cancer but she decided to kill herself so the cancer wouldn't take her first? But didn't really care how fucked up it would make her son when he found her? What? NO. This is not believable! Also why does everyone in a Colleen Hoover book write a LONG ASS letter for everything?The whole “twist” at the end with Ben starting the fire was so infuriating. I did read a spoiler so I kinda knew what to expect, but Ben gets NO punishment whatsoever. I would have MUCH rather had Ben see the fire, but not cause it, and then wrestle with that guilt for all of these years. Then the story could have still flowed the same, Fallon could still get mad at him, but then when she forgave him and they lived happily ever after I wouldn't feel the need to RAGE.Kyle (Ben's brother) is the only sane and rational character in this series and he ends up dying. Booo!The book tries to be “meta” about “we're a romance but we're different” but the whole thing just falls really flat. (hide spoiler)

This book occasionally had its moments, but as the plot went on it just got more and more unbelievable for me. But I did finish it, so I don't know if I can give this 1 star. “50 Shades of Grey” is 1-star worthy, and I don't know if this book was quite as bad. So 2 stars it is. 

January 25, 2023Report this review