Now Entering Addamsville

Now Entering Addamsville

2019 • 357 pages


Average rating3


I'm finished but don't know how to rate it or what my feelings about it even are. I'm just confused, okay?


After simmering on this for awhile I have a more solid idea of why this wasn't for me. How the story was pitched wasn't quite the story we got. I was more prepared for minor ghosts and a bigger mystery. It was heavier on supernatural than I had thought.

I didn't feel really engaged throughout the story. I realized at some points I had to go back and re-read. A gripe I had was how spelled out certain things were like the class dynamic between Zora and Artemis. To me it kind of underplayed readers being able to pick up on those nuances by themselves.

February 23, 2020Report this review