Cover 3

Now That You Have Seen Me

Now That You Have Seen Me

Farrah Glickman hasn't had an easy life. After being released from a mental health facility (guarded by toxic parents), she is appointed a therapist who instructs her to keep a diary. Going back through traumatic events in her life, she tells her story and finally begins to open up.

Narrated by Farrah, the writing is raw and cuts no corners. It's a grisly look at what was a grim life to start. As well as being character-driven, there's also quite a bit of intrigue which I hadn't expected going in. Always a treat. There's a lot to unpack in under 250 pages.

Farrah is an interesting character study, especially in interactions/relationships with other people. I liked the contrast between her overall narration and her journal entries. Her reaction to this exercise also packed a wallop.

Now That You Have Seen Me is the epitome of dark humor. What a ride this was!

A huge thanks to the author for reaching out to me and offering to send a free copy to read and review! The book can also be found on Kindle Unlimited which is where I opted to read it.

January 26, 2023Report this review