Average rating4.5
what a book. i know the general consensus is that Words of Radiance is everyone's favorite installment in the Stormlight Archive, but (not having read Rhythm of War) this is mine.
potential spoilies ahead.
the most compelling characters ive ever encountered are in this series, and they have the chance to shine in Oathbringer. Dalinar's struggles with his past and the kind of man they make him today feel so authentic and relatable. Shallan trying to separate her identities and figure out who she truly is resonates with those who struggle with imposter syndrome. Kaladin just, well... being Kaladin... is a journey you don't want to miss. Adolin went from a character that is there to a character i'm glad is there.
also, just wanna highlight the most goosebump inducing quote i think i've ever read:
“Ten spears go to battle,” he whispered, “and nine shatter. Did that war forge the one that remained? No, Amaram. All the war did was identify the spear that would not break.”
oooooooo baby. had to put the book down and do a lap around my room after reading that line.
the further i get into this series, the more confident i am that i'll be rereading it all not too far off in the future. dont wait. read the Stormlight Archive.