Occult Murders

Occult Murders

1989 • 262 pages


Average rating4


This book is about real life murders that might have a connection to the occult involving the following: satanism, ritualistic murder, demonic possession, mental illness, psychosis which is the result if drugs, delusions/hallucinations etc...
There can be various explanations for crimes that relate to the occult and not all of them have anything to do with the occult, it is just assumed sometimes that it is related to witchcraft because it is unexplained and the person(s) responsible for the murder(s) has no reason or motive to explain what drove them to kill, or it is unbelievable and makes them sounds insane or delusional.
I am a little bit disappointed that there weren't many real cases that involved the occult,because there is at least one that I know that involved one of my favourite death metal bands from Norway, Mayhem. Some of the band members were real satanists and burnt churches, one of the band members committed suicide and another one was murdered.
One disturbing fact about this book, is that a lot of these murders took place in 1986-1987 when I was born in 1987 so it's creepy that this was going on in the world when I was born.
Not all of the incidents happened when I was born however, but some of them did, which is weird, disturbing and very sad as well, for the victims and their remaining family members.

Amateur Exorcist- This story is about a German man, that believed the devil showed himself to him and then possessed his friend, so he felt compelled to kill him, to get rid of the devil.
However later on he tries to sell his soul to the devil, he is clearly mentally disturbed and a paranoid/delusional schizophrenic. He was locked up in a mental institution for the rest of his life.

The mummy and the vanishing bathroom- A French student, unknowingly finds a woman's corpse by accident, due to being curious about their apartment door being left open.
If Olivier Belmont, didn't decide to go out in the evening for a walk then, her corpse and the discovery of the missing bathroom and the tenant of the apartment would not have been found. Primo Dolphi owned the apartment, but Collete Beulet was living there with the man she was having an affair with Joel Bastien, he accidently murdered Primo Dolphi but the both decided to make the walled up and hidden bathroom his tomb.

Dance with the devil- A German man whose surname Teufel means devil in German, came to a small village and met a local girl named Gertrude and after two years they were married and living in an isolated cottage in the forest.
A police detective named Schlzer went to check on the married couple only to find Gertrude dead and in a immodest pose, her husband was gone. He had attended a masked ball with Gertrude a few hours before she was killed, he was dressed like the devil and his costume was missing after Gertrude was murdered and he disappeared. He admitted to murdering his wife, a girl laughed at him due to the costume he was wearing so he punishec his wife, by strangling her. He claimed that was the devil, but no one believed him, he was locked up in an institution for the crminally insane, no one in the village Retz ever knew or found out where Karl Teufel came from.

One Enchanted morning-
This story is about a female witch that coerces a black man to frighten her husband, but things don't go according to plan. Pognon sneaked into the apartment of the woman's husband and tried to attack him and use a syringe on him, but he fought back so he gave up and fled.
The next attempt is deadly and the suspect is surprised he killed the person he was shooting at.
The bullets had a “777” symbol on it, the witch used a ritual to imbue them with magical energy to kill her husband, by pognon was the one to kill him.

Exorcism made easy- This story is about two dead priests that committed suicide by inhaling carbon monoxide from the car exhaust, no one knew if they just friends, gay or why they committed suicide.
The rest of the story is about a sect (also known as a cult) that recruited people, but one woman in particular said she was lonely the cult members interrupted that to mean that she was possessed, so their needed to exorcise her demons from her body via the whole cult beating her slowly to death over a 5 year period. This woman had a pet parrot, that witnessed what happened and kept repeating what she was saying “Help! Help me!” For some reason this parrot did not have wings so I think they did that the parrot on purpose but I am not sure why. So far these stories are about a lot of people with varying degrees of psychosis of mental illness.
I have not heard or read about these strange real life crimes which is weird, since most of the time a strange crime occurs there is a report about it on the news or in the newspapers, but these incidents did occur almost 30 years ago.

Mentally Disadvantaged Vampire- This story is about an innocent teenaged girl that went missing while there was a fair (gypsies that run/own theme park rides and stalls)
The last place she was seen was at the balloon and dart throwing stall, search and rescue dog trails ended there. Unfortunately a terrified young boy found the missing girl Slyvie dead, she was viciously raped and bitten several times. Since she was a virgin, there was dried blood on her thighs, she was asphyxiated so after being tied up and gagged, she was sexually assaulted/bitten and died due to suffocation.
There was a lot of speculation about who was responsible for this crime, but eventually they got the suspect due to collecting fingerprints. One of the most disturbing aspects of this crime is the missing girl was found not that far away from where she was last seen, she also survived for 6 hours in pain, so if the police widen their search for Slyvie then they would have found her and she would be alive today and would have been provided with help and the justice she deserved.
There is nothing I hate more than men that abuse women, children and animals, it disgusts me.

Lust beyond the grave- This story is about a murderer in Vienna, he muredered elderly women, so his grandad could sleep with them in the afterlife. The murderer heard his grandad tell him to kill the women, but he sleep in the bed of one of the victim's (next to the victim) because he was tired! A lot of these horrible incidents relate to people that are mentally ill, or maybe possession, but I was expecting some people to use rituals as part of their beliefs so then it would related to the occult. The title of this book is misleading, since there is another book called “satanic murders” which is about real satanists that have murdered others.

Black Mass- This story is about “devil worshippers” that used one of the cult members wives as bait to coerce/lure a young innocent female child away from her family. Since they are “devil worshippers” (satanists are different to devil worshippers) they ritualistically tortured her, raped her and then strangle her to death. The people responsible for this horrific crime then went out to dinner, but afterwards disposed of the girl. They said “human sacrifice was part of their religion” and they should have “true freedom of worship” in Belgium.

The power of the pendulum- This story is about a man that killed a woman, and cashed her cheques that were her wages, because he was in debt. A local psychic told the father of the murder victim where she would be found and they were unfortunately right.

Lucifer's Outlaws- This story or incident is about a delusional “Charles Manson” wannabe, that was responsible for group orgies and perverse sexual and ritualistic practices. I compare him to Charles Manson because people were called him “the guru” and they were in awe of him, he had a sexual hold over women, and he was in charge of their orgies (which included men with women, women with women etc)
For some unknown reason he mentioned the hell's angels and his association with them, but they had never heard of them and they didn't give Mick Bardell (the guru) orders to kill anyone, even though that's what he said they did. It was a bloody and vicious fantasy in his head that had no attachment to reality.

Interview with a murder victim- This incident/story is about a young woman that was riding her bicycle home, but she was pulled off her bicycle and bludgeoned on her head with a rock 13 times and raped. The man responsible for this was just released from an institution and was a supposedly “cured psychopath” but he had a history of violence towards women. This was a crime of opportunity since he waited for the woman to pass by then he attacked her, but he was impotent so no semen was obtained, this obviously made it difficult for the German detectives/sargeants to investigate who was responsible, but eventually he was reprimanded and spent the rest of his life in the same institution.

Egg Power- This story/incident involved a male witch doctor scamming women and charging them for it. One women that was drugged and raped and another was murdered and found in a bin. All the women that saw the witch doctor saw him for the same reason, their husbands were cheating on them and they wanted his help to regain the affection of their husbands but it never worked so some customers were dissatisfied and made a compliant.

Practical Hypnosis- A young woman hypnotised her lover to murder he devoutly religious husband as part of a supposed experiment. This incident has nothing to do with the occult, it's just cold-blooded murder.
The woman's lover was highly susceptible to hypnosis, but you can't force anyone to murder another anyone if they are morally opposed to it. So on a particular evening, when the children were at a sleepover at their friend's house and her husband would cone home late, her lover waited in the bushes and violently attacked her lover in by hitting him in the back of the head with a hatchet. His skull was split open and he was lying in a pool of his own blood, it mad me feel sick when it was described that the man's skull fell apart in his neighbours hands when he was trying to help him, to check if he was still alive. Somehow, he was still alive at least until the ambulance arrived, but by the time he arrived at the hospital he was dead. In my opinion, his wife only decided to get rid of her husband via her lover murdering him, because she wasn't satisfied sexually so that's why she had the affair in first place, then came up with her murderous plan, on a whim.

The heart of the mater- This incident involves a man that suffered from auditory hallucinations due to him being a paranoid schizophrenic. The voices he heard told him to “kill his mother,” or that being “ a double murderer was better” He hit her over the head with a rolling pin, a hammer then cut open her chest so he could attempt to remove her pacemaker. The voices told him about her pacemaker, that he should remove so it would result in his mother's death. There is connection to the occult, just cold-blooded murder fuelled by a paranoid, hallucination.

Never get your fortune told- This story/incident is about a wealthy man that disappeared 20 years ago, never to be seen again because he was murdered by three of his family members. The family members all shared equal guilt in his murder, they had previously mentioned that “they thoroughly disliked” their father, so I think the motive for his murder was greed and resentment, because the man that was murdered was careful with his money. Sante Boseggia was Italian, and they are always secretive about how much money they earn and they secretive about what they do with their money.
He seemed like he was a private person and didn't like if people were prying into his life or how much money he had.

Black Magic- A wealthy man hired an incompetent man that supposedly had knowledge of the occult, which turned out to not be true because he was looking up information about witchcraft at the local library! The man that hired the murderer only wanted his wife to be killed because she wanted a divorce and could get half of his possessions and his money.
The incompetent hired killer, asked the neighbours where the intended victim lived, everytime he showed up to kill her, she wasn't there, so the man that hired him gave him a key and he went into her house and waited for her to come home. He attacked her when she was getting ready to go to sleep, he made it look like a “staged sex-crime” even though he didn't sexually assault the man's wife.

Dr. Hyde, I Presume- A man who probably suffered from split personality disorder and tuberculosis, murdered his wife just because he didn't want to be with her anymore. He was abusive to animals and he had a violent, darkside to his personality, he tried to create an alibi, by hypnotising a “patient” he was trying to help cure them of their smoking addiction.

Saviour-A married couple decided to take part in a murder-suicide pact in the hope that it would save their children from evil that besieged a small local area in France.
There were various sightings or occurrences of strange events that were witnessed by a lot of people, but it was never fully explained.

The Demons Did It- A serial rapist, is kidnapping and raping teenaged girls.
He was a married pious man but he was mentally ill, he heard voices that told him to kill.
“The demons did it”

Tailor to tart- A Italian man that was a struggling tailor, became a drag queen and part-time prostitute after performing a satanic ritual, because he believed it gave him the power to become a woman even though he was a man. He murdered the person that was only trying to help him make ends meet, by drugging them and then beating them to death with a walking stick, cutting up their corpse into smaller lumps of flesh and dumping them wrapped up in rubbish bags in a noticeable area for someone to find.
I am glad I have finished reading this book, because some parts of it was difficult and disgusting to read, especially the cases involves children that were raped, tortured and murdered, it's disgusting and made me feel sick while reading this book.

September 24, 2016Report this review