Of Wood and Stars

Of Wood and Stars

2022 • 117 pages


Average rating5


Loved this book. The dedication is “To all those who have grown old enough to read fairy tales again”. I was immediately hooked. It's a very unique and heartwarming story, and the illustrations (by the author) are fantastic!

(Let's bring back books for grown people with illustrations! You know.. one every few pages.. like Roald Dahl or The Secret Garden.)

This book also made me realize I love stories that use telling vs. showing. In the writer world, it's all about “showing” these days. But telling in the right context is so soothing and nostalgic. This story is an excellent example of “telling” done well!

There are also many nuggets of wisdom throughout this story. I love when an author deliberately weaves in their personal experience and what they have to say to the world, and it's done really well in this story. I feel like I got to know Teresa Agnes just a little bit.

Thanks, Teresa, for sharing your heart.

February 21, 2023Report this review