On a dark wing

On a dark wing


Average rating4


My thoughts

Cover: A really likeable cover. The raven give it a ominous, something is lurking feel. I know don???t judge a book by its cover and have to say yes the Dude angel and raven got my attention.

Book: The book tour signup was posted on YA Bound. I immediately signed up because On a dark wing was on my wish list and for me as an Int books are hard to come by. This is a 4 stars review. I think I just lucky reading great and good books after each other

A horrible accident happened a few years ago. Abby survived, her mom didn???t. She got ??????lucky??????. And Death does not forget

Abby, our leading lady was not appreciate to her dad and Tanner, her best friend. Probably cause of the accident. I did not feel for her but after a while you feel her honesty and such and started to like her.

Tanner Lange, is our co protagonist and best friend a computer genius and in a wheelchair. But a hot nerd. I???ve to say I???m pretty good looking myself ha ha [ego boast lol]. I really really really really really[ ok enough really???s lol] liked him and you can ??????taste and feel?????? his love and friendship towards Abby in the ???air??????

Nate is a very important character and co narrator. A popular and boy next door type. He was ok , I did not get to feel his ??????him?????? , his ??????soul???[pretty philosophical right,lol] although loved his interaction with his little sister zoey . A great big brother.

And Death, that???s his name ; nothing less or more. I felt a little pity , I said a little pity c???mon he???s death. His loneliness and how he sees the us. But still devilish[pun intended] cruel and persistent.

This book was in 3th person and 3 pov???s ; Abby, Tanner and Nate. Liked all of their voices especially Tanner. I liked his chapters the most. There were emotional scenes but did not feel at times and liking Abby at first decreased the rating. This is a paranormal Young adult with a touch, a dazzle of contemporary. Liked the raven after each chapters pictured.

There is love, a lot. Parental[Yay , the parents are present , sisterly- brotherly and friendship and of course romance. There???s infatuation but that???s a other thing. Love the relationship of Abby and her dad after it strengthened. And romance with the person you don???t expect. I found the perfect song

I???m glad I had this experience and would love to read her other books.

Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin Teen for approving my request. And YA bound for letting my partake in booktour. This an 100% honest review

December 23, 2011Report this review