On Dublin Street
2012 • 370 pages


Average rating3.8


I'll write a review after I take a shower. I didn't have the courage to get up and do somewhat important things like clean my smelly body in favor of finishing this book.
EDIT: I am now rejuvenated. Physically...from the shower. I know what you guys are thinking-get your minds out of the gutter. Okay, anyways, emotionally and mentally I am rejuvenated by this book. Seriously. Give me more. Well, actually this is the only book I haven't had a serious book hangover from. Don't get me wrong-this book is AMAZING. But Samantha Young just ended it so nicely. She really wrapped up the ending that left you, or at least me, not needing more.
Okay, so to start my gushing, I'd like to fangirl about the character development and everything. It was so cool-and that's putting it mildly-to be with Joss as she psychologically gets better. It made me swoon during the times Braden would confront her and make her face her feelings and such. Things usually got pretty hot around then...ahem. fans face
Alright now. So I just realized I'm not going to be able to leave spoilers out because I NEED, or supremely want to rant about Adam and Ellie's relationship. Seriously, Adam? Really? Did you have to take so freaking long to get your head out of your butt? It was so freaking FRUSTRATING. GOD! I was so sorry for Ellie for a majority of the book. GodDAMMIT, man. You beat up all her boyfriends and didn't allow yourself to get close to her romantically. Where did that leave Ellie? Pretty much alone, drowning in platonic relationships, and most likely sexual frustration. And it took a freaking tumor for him to finally man up? Well, DAMN. I know it'd be too late now to lecture him about taking so damn long, because what's done is done and they're together now. But I will always be pissed off at Adam for TAKING SO DAMN LONG. Great. Look at what he did. I ended up ranting more than usual. Plus my review isn't completely clean anymore. THANKS ADAM.
Gosh. sighs I'd better get to other topics, otherwise I'll just keep going on about What-Shall-Not-Be-Reminded-To-Me. Now it's time to commence the actual gushing. There was much swooning involved for me while reading about Braden taking control (not about Joss' outfits, mind you; no, I mean about how Joss acts about her issues). giggles When Braden steals Joss' ticket home and shreds it, I just cracked up. I can't even. It was pretty darn adorable. And Joss was so angry! Oh my dear lord. wipes tear away Oh good times.
And then there were the bad times. I really love how Braden understood that Joss was just afraid to lose anyone else, which is why she pulls away from people eventually. There wasn't any of that whoops-there-was-a-huge-misunderstanding-now-we-have-to-wait-until-SOMEONE-does-something-about-it-since-they're-avoiding-each-other. I freaking HATE THOSE. Especially when authors know it's killing us readers to know what really happened but not be able to jump into the book to scream at the characters. Yeah, no. This book was way better in that regard. Samantha Young didn't waste our time with all that garbage.
I understand I'm mostly going on about my favorite parts of the book, which I would apologize for if they weren't so DARN GOOD. But I'll try to get back at the concepts. But really, there was only one big concept: Joss' issues. The book was pretty much about Joss' journey to closure about her family and her demons. We were there in the beginning where she tried to keep everyone at arm's length (and she was suffering from denial and sexual frustration over Braden hehe). Then things changed until Braden came up with his “friends with benefits” arrangement. But then things change again! Joss finally came to realize she loved Braden and Ellie. There was no more denying that. And the rest was history. Mind you, there were humungous bumps (more like mountains, really) along the way. But Joss and Braden finally got there. FINALLY DANG IT.
So although it might sound a little boring to read along as Joss makes her way to closure, I assure you, it was pretty darn awesome. What's there to get bored about? There was drama, but it was, how do I say this-it was real. It wasn't a stupid soap opera with the usual problems arising. Or maybe it is. I can't make an impartial judgement since I adore this book. The main point is-it just seemed a little different than other books. So if you're reading this, and you read the book already too, FANGIRL WITH ME!

August 28, 2015Report this review