On Earth as It Is on Television

On Earth as It Is on Television

2023 • 352 pages


Average rating3.4


you know how some books you can tell 2 seconds in that you're gonna rate it a certain rating no matter what it does? this is weirdly one of those books.

the tone was playful and it had the vibes of something like don't look up, and truly i do think people would react to any alien invasion in this way. just look at how we've dealt with a global pandemic. lmao. but ... i think maybe this is just a very personal thing, but i wanted more spec and satire here. it almost read like litfic and im just not sure that fully worked for me. also some of the povs were a lot more interesting than others, so i'm landing at 3 star.

that being said it was a fun read and i don't regret picking it up, i just wanted more.

July 17, 2023Report this review