On the Line
2018 • 224 pages


Average rating4


I received this ARC from Netgalley in return for my honest opinion
Is it enough to say that it's almost 4 a.m? This was really a one-sitting book. I absolutely love and adore Romance books, and this was one right in my alley. Seth and Callie were just so cute and as all the romance books, it had also a lot of drama. I really loved the way this book was written. It started off really good and funny and it kept that way throughout the whole book. I am most definitely going to pick up another book by this author!
Oh and I do need to say that there was one hell of a thunderstorm over here which kept me awake as well. Might make a 24-hour readathon out of it - Didn't do that so yeah -

April 11, 2018Report this review