Cover 7

One-Knight Stand



Average rating5


I don't even remember how I stumbled on the White Knights series, but I am so glad I did. I've been anxiously awaiting this, the third entry in the series, and boy, has it EVER been worth the anticipation!

In this book, we see Angel and her team - I know, a team! - putting the skills they've learned at UTOP to a real-life test. Angel's father is still in the wind, and the bad guys decide that his family would be the perfect bait to draw in Ethan Sinclair. When Angel and Gwen are out of reach, they kidnap Angel's mother. Angel, Wally, Frankie, and the rest of the team have to rescue her. And if they go to the police, she's dead.

I have loved this series from the get-go. Sure, it's YA, and I'm well past that stage of my life. But Ms. Moffett does a wonderful job of writing characters that are relatable and interesting no matter your age. I wasn't as tech-savvy at Angel's age as she is because we didn't have the tech. But I was a geek girl (still am), and reading a book with geek girls kicking butt makes me giddy with delight.

Through the series, it has been a treat to see Angel learn and grow. Starting out, she was a one-woman show. She didn't need anyone. But she's learned differently. It was fun seeing how the team worked together, making use of each of their strengths to get things done. Bonus: I love all the spy stuff. So exciting! And yeah, the adrenaline rush waiting to see how a tense situation plays out is also a lot of fun.

You CAN read this one alone, but I really don't recommend it. Start with White Knights and go from there to get the full story.

Ms. Moffett is now on the short list of authors whose books I will actually preorder (which is shorter than the list of authors whose latest I'll buy without even reading to see what it's actually about). I'm anxiously awaiting the next White Knights book.

February 18, 2021Report this review