One Night in London

One Night in London

2011 • 388 pages


Average rating4


I am SO pleased that my first three reads of 2018 have been stellar so far - this, by far, is one of the best romances I've read. So good, in fact, that after I returned it to the library, I immediately plotted on how to get my hands on it again. I'd love a physical copy of the book but alas - the bookstores don't have it where I live. (To the Kindle I go!)
Why do I love this so much? For one, the characters are wonderful - Francesca is a strong woman who is confident in her sexuality. Edward is serious, controlled and restrained. He may be the “spare”, but he has the weight of his family on his shoulders. When the two meet, sparks fly - and do they! The unresolved sexual tension in this book is quite something. It's definitely a steamy book, but it's not ‘hot' for the sake of titillation; Edward is a wonderfully considerate and romantic lover - Francesca is really lucky to have him. Also, no long-drawn misunderstandings. The two DO communicate like adults, and we don't have forced dramas caused by miscommunications here. And no crazy, jilted lovers either!

January 3, 2018Report this review