Order of Protection
2018 • 338 pages


Average rating2


I've been hooked on Lexi Blake since I picked up my first M&M book of hers. But her latest books just haven't been doing it for me (except Remi's). Yet I continue to read every new one she puts out in hopes that I can recapture the love I felt when I first started reading her. Unfortunately, this book was a whole heaping of hot mess.

There were things that were so far-fetched (AKA the ending. Which made ZERO sense IMO)... Really? These two brainiacs put a baby in a lifejacket and set her adrift in the ocean with their fingers crossed she wouldn't drown? Or die from dehydration? Or, you know, get eaten by a shark? I don't know about y'all, but that seems like a really iffy plan to me. What if she had never been found? Then they would have still been out an heir! AND how did the ship captains wife know the ship had sunk? Because she couldn't reach him by radio?? Ahhh...maybe the radio just stopped working?! AND...the ship captain never sent out a distress single when their ship was going down? AND...they were sailing on their way to Bermuda when the ship sank in a storm. How exactly did these two get the baby out to the shipwreck site to leave her in the immediate aftermath of a storm? There were also things that annoyed the hell out of me. For example, Henry is just six months out of rehab, and I am pretty damn sure relationships are frowned upon for the first year after getting sober. That aside, he NEVER goes to an AA meeting? Never talks with his sponsor? She is a recovering anorexic, yet NEVER goes to see her therapist? She is accused of murder, and he is thrust into a high profile case, yet neither ever need to have a chat with their sponsors to help them cope? And yes, maybe that is me being nitpicky, but it is the smalls details that can derail a book.

On top of that, the first 40% of this book was a major snoozefest. Nothing happened but a ton of inner dialogue. I felt no connection between Henry and Win. I found it impossible to believe that Henry wouldn't have recognized Win right away given he was married to an actress and lived in LaLa Land surrounded by the entertainment industry. She was a famous heiress that was on a super popular reality show. I mean...COME ON. Things did pick up at the 40% mark, but then Henry turned into this giant whiney a$$hole, and I hated him. I get he was butthurt she didn't tell him who she was (although she never actually lied about who she was either), but if anyone understood that things are not always portrayed accurately in the press, it should have been him. But...NOOOO. This douche acted like she murdered a litter of puppies and buried them in his backyard! “You lied to me...whaaa.” “You betrayed me...whaaa.”

On the positive side, I did like Win. She was a super sweet heroine. I thought she should have told Henry to go f-ck himself on several occasions, but I didn't get the doormat vibe from her...thankfully. I also liked the secondary characters of David, and especially Noah Lawless and Micheal Malone. Plus we get cameos from a couple of guys from the M&M series (Chase and Remi). So yea, a bit of a mixed bag with this one.

May 28, 2018Report this review