Original Enchantment
Original Enchantment
Average rating3.5
I'm giving this book five stars because the author took the time to re-upload the book with alt-text on all images, for those of us using screen readers. If you've read in other reviews that the stats are all images, don't worry; they have alt-text for your screen reader on Windows/IOS/Android. Don't give the book a miss for that reason.
Unfortunately, I got way too excited about what I thought this book might be, and when it wasn't that thing, I was unreasonably disappointed. I was hoping for something like the Rick Cook Wizardry series, where magic could be programmed. I've been a moo programmer for years; a player in a VR game who somehow got a progbit by mistake could be a lot of fun, as he uses his ability to view and edit code to exploit his way through tricky puzzles, get slight advantages, etc. All, of course, while trying to not get noticed by the admins. This book, however, isn't that. It's good for what it is, it just wasn't the thing I wanted it to be.