Orion Lost

Orion Lost

2020 • 361 pages


Average rating4.7


Favorite book of the year. I loved every second.

Seriously, everyone needs to read this book. If you love sci-fi, READ IT. If you hate sci-fi, READ IT. If you love children's books, READ IT. If you never read children's books because you think you're too old, READ IT.

The kids and teens in Orion Lost talk and act like real people. They act their age. They make mistakes. They struggle and they learn. There is so much to this book that I think would surprise a lot of people. Alastair Chisholm has a excellent ability to show and not tell. He shows the emotions and struggles so perfectly.

The story is action-packed without feeling rushed or lacking in development. It will keep you guessing to the very end, and even if you figure out every twist Chisholm throws at you, you will enjoy the journey. It's that good.

May 25, 2020Report this review