Average rating3.8
Ordfront har under många år givit ut de flesta av Shakespeares pjäser i tillgängliga pocketutgåvor. Med 400-årsjubileet tar vi också Shakespeare in i den digitala eran och ger ut tretton stycken som e-böcker. Den mauretanska ädlingen Othello gör karriär i staten Venedigs tjänst. Han stiger i graderna till general och kan till och med gifta sig med den sköna Desdemona - fast han är svart. Hans framgångar väcker fänriken Jagos hämndlystnad. Under falskt sken av ärlighet och vänskap får Jago Othello att tvivla på Desdemonas trohet. Othello är en man som sätter hedern högst av allt, därför får Jagos smygande förtal mot Desdemona en förödande verkan på honom. Blotta misstanken att det kan finnas en fläck på hennes heder skakar honom djupt och leder till slut till att han dödar sin älskade.
Reviews with the most likes.
Is it weird that I found myself squealing over Shakespeare?? Honestly, this play is sassy and I love it. It is so much drama and honestly I was on the edge of my seat like hmm.. really???? What!!! I had to read this for college and whilst I struggled with the language sometimes, No Fear Shakespeare was a lifesaver and helped translate for me. The thing I enjoyed most about this was the comparison my friends and I could make between Othello and the lives of people we knew including ourselves. It is crazy to think that it is still relevant x amount of years later. Good on you Shakespeare!
Desdemona: unlucky
Again, can't give much of a review because I'm blazing through these books for class lol. That and I think the level of analysis for a class and the mode of reading is different from what I'd think and feel if it was not assigned work. Still, I thought this was really good, with masterful, stunning lines from Shakespeare as usual. Iago was fantastic. What stood out and made Othello a play that shot to the top of my favorites list(for Shakespeare, anyway) is the intimacy in the relationships between characters. It's realistic, yet unreal. Many other plays seem to have unnecessary parts or sprawl all over the place, but Othello is probably the smallest-scale Shakespeare I've read yet.
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