Out in the Cold
2021 • 105 pages

I tell you that WINTER WONDERLAND giveaway is the gift that keeps giving. ❤️❤️❤️This is a forced proximity, age gap story that, due to time constraints, is pretty insta everything but did I care? Nope. Not even a little bit. This short is another romance with at least one blue collar MC and takes place within the same universe as [b:Laying Pipe 54862957 Laying Pipe Kiki Clark https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1596987487l/54862957.SY75.jpg 85603290], actually it takes place sometime before the events in that book but you can read them in any order. A snow storm forces Beau, a sweet & soft accountant a fan of wearing lacy underwear to seek shelter in an isolated cabin where he encounters not a bear but Coop, a bearish sort of man and his dog Trucker. Sparks fly at first sight and a good time is had by all involved. I hope to see them in future installments of this series.

February 12, 2021Report this review