Average rating2.3
DNF @ 65% >11 chapters
I'm so tired of hear how special Mal is. Like, I usually don't care if a character is OP and uber-special, but it so rubbed me wrong here. “No one has been able to do XYZ” “Your energy is a color never seen before!” And let's not forget how all the women described are soft courtiers while the 1 military woman isn't described at all which feels like a dig in order to make Mal with her calloused-hands even more different.
Scenes feel over the top and barely fleshed out. They take time to “make a plan” but the plan is literally go to the place and kill things. Solid. Why couldn't this have been shared on the plane? And the energy priestess scene rolls eyes how pointless.
And why are they using swords and knives “charged with energy” when they could be using the guns on their fighter jets? Are you telling me there is no way to “charge” a grenade with energy?
I can over look one or two things, but when they start piling up I just get frustrated.