

Average rating4


I hate when epilogues have sex. There. I said it. Now that I've outed myself as a hater, we can move on to the review.

This isn't even an issue with sex in general. It's just that we've already been here, done that. We have a chance to see into the future and we're just going to see them fuck? Sigh.

So. I couldn't get into this until around 30% in. The whole ‘Zane pointing out people for Ishir to fuck' wasn't my cup of tea. But it's this author, so I stuck it out, and I'm excited to report back that I'm so glad I didn't give up on it.

There's a very fine line between edging and orgasm denial and boy do these two ride it hard. Heh. Get it? No? Moving on.

I wish this could have been dual POV. As it was, it felt too much like one-sided pining on Ishir's side and by the time the big reveal came up, it sort of felt like lip service from Zane.

Could you imagine the entertainment value if we'd got to read about them separately until they converged at the Brooklyn Cats? We'd have had an ‘obliviots' romance for the ages. Putting Zane's POV in just the epilogue was a disservice. But that's just me.

Besides that, the pining from Ishir was god-tier.

February 28, 2024Report this review