Paper Dreams
1999 • 288 pages


Average rating4


This is a top notch coffee table book. Whether you're looking for a solid read on animation, or solely interested in the images, there's plenty of both.

I really enjoyed the behind the scenes images from Disney Studio as well as the various storyboards. The art and styling is a delight. Even though they're rough sketches, you can feel the character's movement. They nearly jump off the page. The imagery itself gets 5 stars.

The story (wording) was a little bogged down. Text parts of this book delve through individual biographies and paint Disney studios on this golden pedestal. Yes, they are a renowned company and have made a drastic impact on both films, stories, and every day life. But they are not the only storyboard studio, nor the only animation studio. I took most of the wording with a grain of salt. Eventually I gave up on the wording (something it appears many other readers also did), and focused solely on the imagery. The imagery is the real selling point, but there's enough wording to keep a person occupied while they're waiting for something.

December 25, 2017Report this review