Paper valentine

Paper valentine

2013 • 304 pages


Average rating3


At this rate, nothing is going to beat [b:The Replacement 7507908 The Replacement Brenna Yovanoff 6911742] for me, which was not perfect but still a really moving book. Paper Valentine is pretty stale in comparison. None of it felt like enough. The ghosts weren't enough to make it a horror story, the serial killer wasn't enough to make it feel like a mystery, Hannah and Finny weren't enough for it to be a romance. I liked Hannah's relationship with Lillian, but I also feel like its been covered in things like Pretty Little Liars. Finny is a much more watered down version of Yovanoff's usual broken boy, and Hannah is still developing as a person, only really coming into her own until the end. I still like the way Yovanoff creates atmosphere, but it didn't feel as rich as in her previous work. It was a smooth read, but with little pay off and I never felt really invested in it.

October 4, 2013Report this review