Average rating3.6
Author of the acclaimed novel Hurricane Season, Fernanda Melchor leads us into a different kind of hell: paradise
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Fernanda - you have a depraved mind - and I love you so much, for it.
Hard to put words to how this made me feel. I might have been primed to finish it tonight, and I felt truly cored like an apple by the end. The whole time, Melchor's praise is like a corkscrew to the eye, digging and digging into the nerves until I was left as electric with misery as Polo. Incredible work here.
My only gripe is that I felt the start was a tad slow, but the whole thing is so short that you're through the whole thing in the amount of time it takes to flinch at the sound of a gunshot. My g-d.
In my list of top 5 favorite books I've ever read in my life. At first i thought it was just a bit absurd and the whole point of it was to indulge in the writing style and voice. But it quickly became a different thing: commentary on class, on masculinity (porn addition) and misogyny. Crazy as fuck. If you can get through a lot of the sentences here being a half a page, you'll like it. I personally am a big fan of that. It's gross and talks very bluntly about the female body, including rape. Our two main characters, though they suffer two completely different things, bring the worst out of one another and neither of them are mature enough to understand that. It was just a really cool reading experience.
Eso fue horrible en todos los sentidos. Pero aún así no pude soltar el libro, no pude, sobretodo en el final, porque tenía una esperanza de que las cosas salieran de manera diferente. Es brutal, desgarrador, cruel, me sentí morboso, viendo una película que ya no quería ver. Hay una fuerte crítica social a muchas cosas: la explotación laboral, la falta de entornos sanos y amorosos, el crimen organizado, el capitalismo y la alienación que produce, la injusticia. Y también había partes luminosas, las menos, que contrastaban de manera muy bella con la podredumbre: visiones exaltadas de la naturaleza, recuerdos bellos y extravagantes. La narración de Fernanda es muy poderosa y crea imágenes muy claras, sensaciones intensas, utilizando un narrador que me pareció bastante inusual pero, por la situación y los personajes, acertado. No volveré aquí y no sé si lo puedo recomendar porque no fue una lectura amena, porque en mi mundo ideal, los sucesos horribles solo deberían existir en la ficción.