Average rating4.1
Star Wars at its full potential.
This novel ticks everything that I like from star wars. Reading this novel got me back excited by the wonderful World of Star Wars. In a world of mediocre adaptations and TV shows I could not care less for this book was a breath of fresh air.
1. This book is fully dedicated to exploring the Sith philosophy and how did we get here in the first place. I've always found the Sith a lot more interesting than the Jedi. The Jedi are the vanilla white heroes, where they are wright because they got blue swords... They actually never explored what makes the Sith evil, and this book fulfills that itch I've had so many years. Now I understand why the Sith are evil and they should be stopped.
2. Reading this novel has answered so many questions and expanded on the world building from the movies. If Darth Vader's signature move is the force choke, why didn't he use it in any of the fights against the Jedi? Even further, why don't Jedi and Sith fight at a distance using the force? Well turns out that during battle force users deploy a force shield impeding any force attacks to the user, that's why they have light sabers... It just makes sense, but it was never explained to me until this book. The force shield is just an example of answers we get in this novel of why are the thing like they are. i won't go into further detail since other revelations would be considered spoilers.
3. The Battles are just incredible. During the story we are faced with some lights saber duels and they are just amazing. We Star Wars fans haven't got a good light saber fight adapted to the screen in a long time, but the battles here are just simply beautiful and a joy to read through.
All in all, if you liked the old star wars and feel underwhelmed by what Disney is releasing, you should read this book. I will most certainly continue reading in the Star wars EU (or legends how is now called...) in order to find great stories from the franchise of my childhood.