2019 • 144 pages


Average rating3


This story enraptured me within the first 15 pages and thats no lie. it truly takes alot for me to truly fall in love with a story and become obsessed and this one does it. There will be times you will love Pearl and times you want to throttle her but in the end you want her to find her Prince Charming and she truly does or does she?? Alexandre is sexy, sophisticated, accomplished, young and a Sex God but can he truly fall in love with a woman who has experienced more years on this planet then he has. Who in the end is the Teacher and who is the “awakened” student?? I truly relate to Pearl's insecurities as a woman trying to define herself in this society which is always glorifying the perfect, young and fit. yes I am only 29 but trust mee when i say insecurities for perfection come at any age, and yes, the love scenes were hot but did make me laugh at times because it was outrageous but thats the fun part. No matter what you get out of this story it will leave you breathless and wanting more. A great emotional ride. You will not be disappointed!!

January 26, 2016Report this review