Pebbles and the Biggest Number

Pebbles and the Biggest Number

48 pages


Average rating4


As a kid, I would have LOVED reading a book like this. I remember when I first started understanding the concept of what a million and a billion meant, and reading this stirred up all those feelings again.

I read this with my 5 year old, and we had a blast counting out the zeros to each number as it got bigger. It made a very complicated concept a lot more understandable and the factoids dispersed throughout were a great way to visualize the sheer enormity of these numbers.

This is the kind of gem I love to find in self published children's books: an easy to read story, sweet illustrations and as a bonus there is also supplemental resources available on the website.

I would recommend this book for kids in the 7-10 range, but younger kids will also learn and enjoy the story as well.

When we finished, I asked my kiddo their thoughts on the book:
“I liked that it helped me understand math better. It was fun learning lots of new facts about the planet and the things that live on it. I think other people should read this book because it's a fun way to learn big numbers, especially if you're interested in space.

***Thank you to Joey Benun for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review.

August 22, 2023Report this review