Penguin English Library Sense and Sensibility

Penguin English Library Sense and Sensibility

2012 • 560 pages


Average rating4


If you'd like to read this review on my blog.

.-Part of the Project Austen-.

Rating: 5/5 stars.

Sense and Sensibility is the story of Elinor and Marianne Dashwood, two sisters that find love in different ways. Marianne, eccentric and extroverted. Elinor, quiet and reserved. We see how each's personalities influences the love they expect, and how each suffer's through.

Jane Austen continues to be my favorites author. End of discussion.

This book blew me. It centered around the two north and south poles that were Marianne and Elinor and how each duels on the events that are happening. I'm a person who loves character development, and this was definitely the book for me.

We first have Elinor, whom I can relate the most to. I'm the type of person who's quiet and not keen on putting my feelings out there. I tend to think before I act a lot and tend to lean towards somebody else's happiness instead of mine. And that's exactly what Elinor is. She never did anything in the book that wasn't based on not hurting her mom and sister's feelings. Even if she was incredibly saddened or happy she wouldn't say anything about if she though it could inconvenience somebody else. And every time Marianne did the exact opposite, she would cringe and mentally criticize her. And to have someone that I can relate to so accurately was pretty amazing. There were some things she did that I don't agree with, but most of her behavior was me in a nutshell.

Then we have beautiful Marianne. She's loud and impertinent and she never keeps her thoughts to herself. If she's suffering, the rest of the world suffers with her. You see, as much as she's the complete opposite of me, I found myself agreeing with her so much. And I could relate to her as well. There were things she did that I just had to nod and smile.

Then we have the rest of the characters like their imbecile brother or her ogre of a wife. And the sweet lady who took them under her wing, or she thought she did (can't remember her name, oops). All those characters added the perfect bittersweet feelings when needed.

The overall idea of the story is pretty amazing. Of course, it being a classic and such an old one, the language was kind of difficult for me to keep up at times, specially because English is not my mother language. But once you get hook in it, you read way faster.

I do have to point that around the second part of the book (it's divided in three) it got a little tedious and I found some parts to be unnecessary. But once you get back on the third part it's amazing all over again.

Of course, super in love with Edward (not the sparkly one). Even though he can be quite the idiot for being so slow and such a gentleman, I still forgive him.

Overall, great, amazing, incredible classic by the wonderful Jane Austen who never disappoints me. I really love her stories and the way she writes. Sometimes, I think it's out of this world.

I would recommend this books as much as Pride and Prejudice. You can't just read one Jane Austen and move on. Jane Austen delivers amazingness all over the place.

I can't say that this is over Pride and Prejudice on my favorites, but it's pretty close to it. And I will reread it someday. Not right away, but in the near future.

September 6, 2014Report this review