Perfectly ridiculous

Perfectly ridiculous


Average rating5


Kristin does it to me every time and I cannot wait for more. I'm on a bit of an action-thriller kick and I did not want to read a young adult novel this week, but the tour is now and I needed to get it accomplished. Low and behold of course once I start I cannot stop and I'm incapable of putting the book down and all I want to do is turn the next page. I loved Perfectly Dateless and I was glad to see that I enjoyed Perfectly Invisible even more, but now I have to say that Perfectly Ridiculous is my favorite in the series. Each novel does add on the one before, but I think you might be able to get away with reading it alone.

She touches on the heart of what every teenage girl has felt in wanting that connection. I think it is definitely a recommended read and one I'll save for my daughters. Just like the rest of the series. I hope that she'll write more like these in the future.

Thanks to Revell Books for providing a copy for review.


July 25, 2012Report this review