Permanent Record

Permanent Record

2019 • 432 pages


Average rating3.8


Pablo is a character that I see a lot of myself in, struggling to find what they want to do in life—finding their purpose. Working a job they might not necessarily enjoy. Reading through some of the reviews people find him unlikeable and I can see why. I personally found Leanna Smart to be the truly likeable one for me because while she has her shit together which yes girl boss moment, she also failed Pablo in a way because she knew that Pablo had nothing going for him and for her to keep him at her side while also not explaining things properly to him as an adult would—her outburst after being confronted just showed that she is just as flawed as any other person. But she also pissed me off because she complained about her many first world problems that from my standpoint as someone that is struggling to pay for college...just really put in a sour mood.

July 3, 2021Report this review