Petit Singe cherche son refuge/Little Monkey's One Safe Place

Petit Singe cherche son refuge/Little Monkey's One Safe Place



Average rating3


Picked this up from my local library as it was bilingual French and English. However, I was a bit disappointed by the English translation as I noticed that it did not match the French entirely. For example the scene with the crocodile:
‘mais un crocodile géant sort de l'eau en faisant claquer son énorme bouche, et chasse Petit Singe qui se réfugie tres vite sur le bord de la rivière.'

‘But a big green crocodile came snapping and chased him back to the bank.'

The English translation leaves out the big mouth; in French it doesn't say he's green.

So it doesn't feel like a true translation and doesn't fully help with my main goal of improving my French if I have to correct or add to the translation.

August 30, 2021Report this review