Average rating3.4
DNF - PG 103
Mostly because my library borrow expired without me even realizing it, but also because I was bored out of my mind. It was super fun to see a non-western based fantasy setting. And the steampunk-esqu touches were nice. ... But it was so slow, with nothing happening. And Jebi was...difficult for me to like. At all. I also didn't like what felt like hints of romance between Jebi and their ‘bodyguard' (more like just a guard).
The hints in the synopsis of something big and horrific going on, turned out to be quite a non-issue for me. I can see why Jebi found it terrible (they are, after all, such an artist) but for me personally, I was expecting something worse so it was kind of overly dramatic that that was the thing that convinced Jebi to do something. (I assume. I didn't actually reach the point where Jebi did anything. And, honestly, at nearly a third of the book down, something should have been happening.)
(Though, to be far, if I had liked Jebi as much as the two leads from Ninefox Gambit, it wouldn't have mattered to me that nothing happened. ... Because I would be more than happy to read Jedao and Cheris verbally/mentally sparing for 500 pages.)