Cover 7

Pieces of Him

Pieces of Him

2016 • 200 pages


Average rating5


4.5 Stars

O-M-G This book!!

This book was seriously AWESOME. It wasn't filled with unnecessary drama or stupid OW angst. It was filled with REAL characters reacting and ultimately GROWING as adults would.

Max was an ass, a big “I WANT TO SMACK YOU IN THE FACE” ass in the beginning. I didn't like him. I don't think you are supposed to like him, because if you did, then the transformation he makes over the course of this book looses its punch. But transform he did, he grew, he matured. This book was SO much more than a romance between Max and Emelia; it was about a man facing his responsibilities and falling in love with his son. I'd also like to make clear that Max was in noway a man-whore in this book. He had a monogamous FB relationship with Keri for two years. I also want to make it 110% clear that for not even A SECOND is it implied the heroine is second best. There is NO DOUBT that Emelia is the love of Max's life and Xander's mother, NONE. She is just as on-board with keeping Keri's memory alive for Xander as Max

Emelia was a brilliant heroine; she was strong and mature. I loved that there was very little angst between Max and her. I also love the way that the Keri situation was handled I loved that they spoke about her, and the fact she was Xander's mother. I loved that they put a photo of her up in Xander's room, she was his bio mother after all, and she loved him. I'm glad the author didn't push her into a closet and not have her as part of the relationship. I also loved that the author didn't make Keri out to be this horrible bitch, and although Max never loved her, he was genuinely fond of her.

Note about the abortion thing. I just did a word search, and the word abortion doesn't even come up once in this book. What is said is Keri says "I can't do this alone" and Max says "You want to take care of this? I'll give you the money. Drive you there myself, Keri, and make sure you're okay. Neither of us is ready to have a family. We're fucked up, both of us are. We can't give a kid anything that it needs. We can't give it anything we never got ourselves." That is the first, last and ONLY time that ending the pregnancy is brought up.

And that Epilogue...OMG, I was bawling like a baby! I don't know what else to say, other then I am SO glad I had the chance to read this one. I am definitely going to check out other books by this author.

February 28, 2016Report this review