Cover 5




Average rating4


Honestly, I thought this book would've been better, given the ratings, that beginning, etc. All in all, though, it was a wonderful story. Enter Claire, a woman in her mid-20s with OCD. She has a mom who deserves to fall into a ditch and stay there (actually, that should be the more benign of her punishments). She has a “dad” who's a dirtbag and a biological dad who's also a dirtbag! Basically, her family is scum. And that's not the end of Claire's troubles, which are made evident from the first few pages of the novel. However, in comes Jack who's called in some circles the Pimpernel. Jack is here to try to save Claire. Along with Jack are his team of Margot (let's just dub her the tech-smart rich chick), Ren (the bodyguard for the rich chick), and more or less Kali (the constantly composed...“free agent”?). These characters' capabilities have left me awed of the abilities and intelligence of us humans. The surprises that sprouted throughout the book also left me stunned.
I guess the reason I didn't especially like this book was because Sheralyn Pratt didn't really go into Jack's history (though maybe that was a good thing-I probably wouldn't have cared to delve into more of his earlier life when I already knew about the more important stuff). Another reason was...I don't know. I guess it just lacked the passion and all that good stuff I'm used to. The romance in this book was somewhat abrupt. Other than that, the story and the ending have left me quite satisfied. So yes, I would recommend this book to someone else, though it wouldn't be the first I would recommend at a time.

February 24, 2016Report this review