Average rating5
Arizona Tape does the impossible and writes a dark, twisted, steamy, violent, “OMG did that just happen!” - romance with Play to Kiss.
The covers are designed by Vampari Designs, aka Arizona Tape, are simple with their deception. The clean and innocent covers hide the dark romance inside and it is a brilliant marketing concept. I also love the covers due to their mark difference from Tape's other covers.
Play to Kiss hits every trigger there is if someone has one, BUT Tape warns readers first. Plus, once warned you know what to expect and...(laugh) I just lied. Tape surprises at almost every turn. This is a dark romance. I am trying to think of an example, Killing Eve, keeps coming to mind, but this definitely goes a step further.
There is subterfuge, betrayals, mystery, and of course murder. Tape layers it all brilliantly within or should I say around the romance. It is hard to say which is dominant: the mystery or the romance. I am so glad I have the next book because I cannot wait to see if the threads I see are picked up in book two.
The romance in Kiss is so good.
If you have never picked up the first book in “The Twisted Trilogy”, now is the time to do so before the third book is released. It is a Dexter of a ride.
I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.