

Average rating3


DNF @ 22%

POV: Singular, First PersonSeries/Standalone: StandalonePart of an interconnected series: YesFirst in interconnected series: YesSafe or Dark: Safe

I snagged this for free on Kindle.

I made it to chapter 12 before throwing in the towel. I just couldn't get into the story. All the characters just seemed one-dimensional and boring. Ricki was supposed to be a strong, badass, bar-owning woman, but she had the most vanilla vocabulary ever. I loved her confidence, though. According to her, she was a “cold-hearted WITCH”. Don't get me wrong, I don't need to have swear words in a book in order to enjoy it but you would think Ricki would have a more colorful vocabulary than she did in order for the author to sell the character.

She tried to come off as sassy, humorous, and stubborn, but was more condescending and rude. What the author thought was fun, witty, and flirty banter was actually just Ricki being a bitch, oh, excuse me, I mean a witch. God, she was so unlikeable. I also can't forget to mention that her inner monologue was so repetitive it was DULL.

Side note: Once Ricki described one of the detective's eyebrows as being “lickable,” I was done with her. Any possibility of me taking her seriously flew out the window at that moment.

I certainly didn't find her appealing enough to believe that two men were interested in dating her. That's for sure.

A lot of people seemed to really enjoy this story. So I'm thinking that when it comes to this book, it's an “it's not you, it's me” situation.