Average rating4
The only good thing about this book was the cover.
What do you mean that in the description you say that the female main character USED TO have a crush on the guy but she's over it, but ON THE FIRST PAGE SHE GETS BUTTERFLIES WHEN SHE LOOKS AT HIM??? That's not “being over someone”. That's literally the opposite! Why do you market the book like that when it's not what the book is about? Seriously! It's an asshole move.
Speaking of assholes, Cameron was horrible. So cocky and icky and CREEPY. Oh, he told her to get lost but now he's acting like nothing happened? And it feels like Maddie has literally no self control and no agency at all because when he says jump, she asks how high. Oh, she “hates” him but still sleeps with him willingly and can't even think straight. Seriously? How are you even attracted to him if you hate him that much?
And I hated how controlling he was. Literally the first party she went to and he starts criticising her for TALKING to a guy while he almost fucked a girl in the guest room of her house??? For fucks sake. What a red flag. And it really annoys me that has mother dying is used to justify his assholish behaviour. “Trauma” doesn't give someone a free pass to be a dickhead.
And honestly, I'm over books where the brother thinks he has any say in whether or not his best friend is seeing his sister. Why is it such a popular trope?
The book felt like it was written by a 14 year old wattpad writer and not in a good way. I had to dnf it around 20%. It was that bad.