Cover 2

Poison by Punctuation


Average rating5


Emma Lovett and Leslie Parker, teachers extraordinaire, are back on the job at Thomas Jefferson High. They're hoping for a nice, uneventful year, but that hope is dashed when the new gym is vandalized with a cryptic message and several students (as well as Emma and Leslie) receive anonymous threatening notes.

Since they don't trust the town's top law enforcement officer to do anything useful, Emma and Leslie are obliged to help solve the mystery. But they also find themselves working to solve a murder when Emma finds the dead body of cheerleader Kisten Hollis in the locker room. Kisten received a note. It sounded religious in nature. Does it have anything to do with her church? But who would have wanted her dead? And now who's trying to kill Leslie and Emma?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book! The author has changed her style to where she no longer writes out Emma's southern accent, so without that distraction, this one read much better than her first. The friendship between Emma and Leslie is so well-done, so realistic, that it just makes me smile. And I love Emma and Hunter. We saw a potential new love interest here, but I'm hoping that in future books, Hunter is Emma's one and only. They're just so darn cute! And of course, as both an English major and a teacher's wife, I got a kick out of all the literary references.

Looking forward to more in this series!

Disclaimer: I received an advance review copy from BookSirens. All opinions here are mine, and I don't say nice things about books I don't actually like.

March 10, 2020Report this review