Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome One Woman's Desperate, Funny, and Healing Journey to Explore 30 Religions by Her 30th Birthday

Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome One Woman's Desperate, Funny, and Healing Journey to Explore 30 Religions by Her 30th Birthday

2016 • 368 pages


Average rating3


This was interesting but feels SOO dated already based on the amount of early 2000's lingo. I didn't grow up in the evangelical world but entered it on my own as a young adult. I find this very surface level (unfortunately) and she didn't really deep dive into theology or real beliefs in various religions or denominations which was hard for me as someone who cares about that.

“52 churches in 52 weeks” a book available on Amazon did a better job of at least trying to explain theology and is a similar book.

In addition, I had a truly difficult time with how much she couldn't get passed the way she interpreted everything in her own centric way based on how she grew up. Even the way she matter of factly talked about different Bible verses and stories was just...very consistent with her personal brand of Christianity and she seemed to claim it for all Christianity. Again, just a bit surface level for me and the tone of the book just didn't work for me.

2.5 rated up because it's a memoir so I have to give credit where credit is due for her opening up like this.

April 25, 2024Report this review