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“The United States, the richest country on earth, has more poverty than any other advanced democracy.”
Who can read that sentence and not feel horrified, shocked, ashamed?
Poverty, as we know from hundreds of studies that have been done over the years, is the root of many problems in society—hunger, evictions, homelessness, crime, low achievement in education, and more.
This book looks at the ways affluent Americans keep the poor poor. Some of these are doing with the full knowledge of the affluent and some of these are done unknowingly.
The epilogue is a call to action: As the president of One Fair Wage said, “‘We are not polarized from each other. We are polarized from our electeds.'” The author goes on to say, “The majority of Americans believe the rich aren't paying their fair share in taxes. The majority support a $15 federal minimum wage. Why, then, aren't our elected officials representing the will of the people? This we must demand of them.”
And then, and for me most importantly, this book shares strategies for ending poverty.